Injectable treatment to contour the jawline

Belkyra is an injectable treatment made of DCA (Deoxycholic acid) which is found naturally in the body. This treatment effectively targets fat cells and causes a natural cell death and a reduction of volume in the treated area. It is most commonly used for submental treatment (double chin) but can also be used in other areas.

The treatment is safe for skin types I-VI and has minimal social downtime. Swelling is anticipated post-treatment and can last for up to one week.

Benefits of Belkyra

Your Belkyra Treatment for Unwanted Fat

Before undergoing Belkyra treatment, our team will capture photos of your chin and neck from various angles to document your current appearance and track progress throughout the procedure. These images serve as a visual reference to showcase the aesthetic improvements achieved through this non-surgical approach.

To enhance your comfort during the procedure, the treatment area will be iced for approximately 10 minutes beforehand, numbing the skin and minimizing any potential discomfort. Once the area is sufficiently numb, your physician will cleanse it thoroughly and mark specific points for the microinjections. Using a tiny needle, small amounts of Belkyra will be precisely injected into these marked areas, guided by a specialized technique to ensure a natural, even, and appealing contour.

Belkyra treatment is typically administered over multiple sessions to effectively reduce submental fullness. Most patients require two to four sessions, spaced approximately 6-8 weeks apart, to achieve optimal results. Upon injection, the product begins breaking down the fat layer in the targeted area. This is facilitated by Belkyra’s composition, which mimics the natural compounds in the body responsible for fat breakdown.

Following the procedure, the treatment area will be iced for an additional 20 minutes to minimize swelling. The entire process is relatively swift and straightforward, allowing Vancouver patients to return to their daily activities promptly. In fact, Belkyra treatment is often referred to as a “lunchtime” appointment due to its convenience and minimal downtime.

It’s important to note that Belkyra injections yield optimal results for individuals with a modest amount of fat beneath the skin. While this treatment effectively reduces submental fullness, it may not be suitable for those with excessive fat deposits or other underlying medical conditions. Prior to undergoing Belkyra treatment, a comprehensive consultation with our experienced medical team will ensure that it is the right option for you, tailored to your specific needs and aesthetic goals.

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